Sunday, 10 May 2009

Got the cupcake bug.

Don't know what happened, i just did all this once and lost it all. Anyway here goes. I'm here again at last. Still not very good at this.

Been busy since last time, knitting. I did these for my Weight Watchers leader for her table. Low fat, low sugar and totally calorie free.


  1. Wow - these are great. Perfect for the front table at Weight Watchers!!!


  2. Well done honey, keep up the good work, Hugs Sarah B X

  3. These are just great
    and would be great for many peeps and many things such as children schools, nursery, playgroups and even our on children, i have seen other varieties like choc eclairs and doughnuts yum yum, perhaps you could sell them on ebay and reep the rewards for your hard work
    hugs Debra

  4. Hi Angie, I am gonna keep checking to see if you knit my idea from yesterday!!! Jules x
